Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Rewriting is like weeding the garden!

I spent my alottment of writing time, rewriting The Waking Hour this morning. As tedious as it is, rewriting is more than necessary!

Rewriting, is the most important part of writing. Well, creation is important. If you didn't create a story, you wouldn't have anything to rewrite.

So, let me rephrase that. Rewriting is the most important part of the process. Rewriting is the part that seperates the published from the unpublished.

I know your probably saying "But George, your unpublished?"

Everyone has to start somewhere, and that goes beyond the idea. Let's just assume you aren't one of those people who say: "I have a great idea for a book. Some day, I want to write a novel too."

Those people make it sound like something you throw a to do list. Somettimes I want to tell them, that the idea is only just the tip of the iceberg. Having an idea floating around the sea of your mind is one thing, but taking the next step and planning the expedition to explore that iceberg, is another.

Planning the events, characters, scenes, twists, endings and making sure you have a level of suspense that keeps your reader wanting more, takes commitment. One book that I have discovered, has helped me through the process is in many ways.

The Writers Little Helper: Everything You Need to Know to Write Better And Get Published

One extremely handy tool in this book, is a diagram that shows how to organize your novel into ten easy scenes. It helps the writer simplify the process, especially new writers who feel daunted with the tedious task of planning.

I'm not much of a planner, and have found myself at a stand still in the middle of writing something, because I had not planned properly.

Enough about the book. The point I'm trying to make is that rewriting is like sanding a fine piece of furniture. In order to get it looking exquisite, you have to go through a set process of sanding the wood down. Each time changing the coursness of paper, untill eventaully you have a well polished peice.

That's what I did this morning. Who knows how many more times I need to sand my work, but I'll do whatever it takes.

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