Thursday, April 9, 2009

Writing Time April 9th 2009

Wake Up: 5:30

Push Ups: 70
Sit Ups: 20
Pull Ups: 10
Chin Ups: 5

Writing Time: 5:55am - 6:15am

Boy I blew it this morning. I hit my snooze way too many times. I guess I needed the sleep.

I woke up with my nose kind of stuffy this morning, so maybe my body is fighting off a cold or something. I'll use that excuse. Yeah that sounds good.

When I woke up, it was 64 degrees in here this morning. The pellet stove ran out of pellets last night, so I had to go down and get some from the basement and light it again.

Anyway, enough about my messed up morning. Obviously I didn't get that much writing done, and no I didn't work on Non-Fiction today. I just went straight to chapter 2 of The Waking Hour. Still working on it and I haven't yet printed it out yet.

I want to get it as good as I can, as I am going to a writers conference in May. The Waking Hour is the story I want to pitch at the agent pitch session. I want to get the first few chapters in decent shape, so if they ask me to send some material, I'll be able to send them some quality work.

You never know,

Until tomorrow,
Those are the Thoughts of a George

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey George I was in the same boat as you. I had my alarm set for 5:30 so I could get 45 minutes of writing in and I just turned my alarm off (and I don't remember doing it). So, no writing for me this morning either.

If you have enough done on the Waking Hour I would love to read it while I'm up your way this weekend. I printed out the first few chapters of The Hidden Force for you too.

See you Sunday!